AWT Investments, an investments management company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Army Welfare Trust, has signed memorandum of understanding with Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre and Chief Financial Officers’ Club, for an Annual Charity Golf Tournament in honor of Dr Ruth Pfau, at Airmen Golf Club Karachi. Salman Haider Shaikh, Chief Executive Officer of AWT Investments limited, Marvyn Lobo Chief Executive Officer of Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre and Farheen Shehzad Dhedhi Co-Founder and Director of CFO Club signed the MoU. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), formalizes the mutual interaction and strengthens the existing relationship between AWTIL, MALC and CFO club atthe strategic and working level. All proceeds from this tournament will be credited to the Charity Fund of MALC for FREE-OF-CHARGE treatment of Leprosy, TB, and Blindness Control, including Community based Inclusive Development, and Mother & Child Health Care to all its patients and their family members throughout Pakistan, irrespective of caste or creed.