Both Lower and Upper Houses of the Parliament will resume their scheduled business after a two-day break on Monday at 4 pm. According to the agenda shared on the website of the Senate, both the houses will take up motions and legislative business. The Senate will also discuss three resolutions including, “The Senate of Pakistan is cognizant of the fact that artists from the entertainment industry in Pakistan have been facing the issue of rightful and just payments of royalties for a long time that tantamount to misuse of copyrights. This House recommends that the Federal Government may take initiatives to empower the Copyright Board regarding fixing of the royalties for licensing and assignment of work and ensuring payments to the artists whenever their artistic work are used in any fashion or way.” “The Senate of Pakistan recommends that Federal Government may fund the Metro Bus as well as Circular Railway Projects including auxiliary routes in Quetta, from Federal PSDP to meet the shortage of transport in the metropolitan city to the benefit of the public” and the Senate of Pakistan urges upon the Government to implement the agreement concluded with the Federal Government employees in 2021, in letter and spirit, with particular reference to the up-gradation of posts of scale 1-16 and merger of all ad-hoc allowances in the basic pay.”
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