NAB Chairman Justice (r) Javed Iqbal said that the NAB has recovered Rs. 150 billion looted money during 2019 and is working hard to nab corrupt elements across the board in order to bring them to justice.
Due to NAB’s across the actions against corrupt elements, as compared to previous year 2018, NAB during 2019 received 463845 complaints, disposed of 450546 complaints and 13299 complaints are under process which will be disposed of during 2020 on merit as per law. He said that NAB authorized 15056 complaint verifications in 2019, 14286 complaint verifications have been completed in 2019 and remaining 770 complaint verification will be completed during 2020 as per law. NAB during 2019, authorized 9352 inquiries and 8493 inquiries have been completed and 859 inquiries are under process which will be completed in 2020, similarly, NAB authorized 4406 investigations in 2019 and completed 4071 investigations and remaining 355 investigations will be completed in 2020 as per law. He said that NAB has filed 3676 corruption references in various Accountability Courts since its inception and currently 1275 corruption references are sub judice in 25 respected Accountability Courts of the country.
He said that it is heartening to note that Country’s apex Anti-Corruption Organization NAB is a role model not only for the country but also for entire SAARC countries. NAB is focal department under United National Convection against Corruption (UNCAC) and Pakistan is signatory of UNCAC convention Owing to its outstanding performance.
He said that the performance of NAB has been lauded by SAARC countries including India and due to this reason; NAB had been unanimously elected as chairman of SAARC Anti-Corruption Forum which is a great achievement of Pakistan due to NAB’s efforts. Moreover, Pakistan and China had inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for eradication of corruption. Pakistan and China would jointly work for ensuring transparency in China Pakistan economic coordination CPEC projects. The reports of renowned national and international organizations like PILDAT, Mishal Pakistan, Transparency International and World Economic Forum also confirms excellent performance of NAB.
Moreover, Gillani and Gallop Survey have indicated that 59 percent people of Pakistan have shown confidence upon NAB due to its visible performance and NAB strongly believes in actions louder than words.
He said that NAB is an apex anti-corruption organization of Pakistan which has been rejuvenated and its procedures were perfected besides transforming NAB into a vibrant and reputable organization. He said that during 2019, the initiatives taken by the present management of NAB for eradication of corruption and to nab corrupt especially to aware people and youth in Universities/Colleges at large about the ill effects of corruption have proved very successful in 2019 which will continue in 2020 as per law. He said that NAB’s faith is Corruption free Pakistan which is in line with its national anti corruption strategy of Awareness, Prevention and Enforcement to nab corrupt elements and recovered from them looted money and to return affectees at their doorsteps. He said that NAB officers are working hard with complete dedication, commitment and determination to eradicate corruption to metalize the dream of corruption free Pakistan.
He directed all DGs of NAB to complete all complaint verifications, inquiries and investigations on the basis of solid evidence within the stipulated time frame strictly on merit as per law.